Sunday 3 June 2007

Welcome to F&A 4 all pensioners

Hi and Welcome to this blog!

This blog is dedicated to my parents, Arthur and Vera Morris originally from Wythenshawe in Manchester, UK. They migrated to Adelaide, South Australia, in 1954 and when they retired their small British state pension entitlement was frozen at the rate at which it was first granted in the 1970s. If they had migrated to the USA or one of nearly 40 overseas countries, their pensions would have been increased with inflation each year, as if they still lived in the UK.

The British Government refuses to increase the pensions of those living in Australia, new Zealand, canada, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and most other Commonwealth Countries. This is despite the fact that all those people contributed the same amount of money into the National Insurance Fund (NIF). The NIF currently has a surplus of over £35 billion and that money is invested by the NIF into Government Gilts, thereby assisting the UK budget. Of course, for those of you who are money minded you would realise that the UK government could simply borrow the money from elsewhere if they properly used the money in the NIF to uprate the pensions of all pensioners.

For more information go to:

Peter M


sairung said...

This disgraceful. Are there any countries apart from European where UK pensioners do not have their pensions frozen?

Peter M said...

The answer to that question is YES. For reasons that seem independent of logic, pensions are uprated in the USA, The Philippines, Israel, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Switzerland (not in the EU), Iceland, Turkey, Barbados, Bermuda and Jamaica. They are also uprated in the Virgin Islands (USA) but not the British Virgin Islands!

Peter M said...

Today, I amanged to prepare a draft Press Release to raise the issues of frozen pensions and to also advertise the ePetition at:

The number of signatures has risen dramatically over the past few days, since our Canadian partners have sent out an email promoting it to all of their members.

The next challenge is to get something off to the MPs and Noble Lords who are debating the new Pensions Bill. Some real financial information would not go astray there!